Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is the online image editor free?
A: Yes, it is totally free to use. And as long as i can pay for it, it will stay that way.

Q: Why did you make the online image editor?
A: In 2005 i was in need of editing an animated gif. It could not be done without sites adding their tag to it. It irritated me, so i developt my own site.

Q: Something is not working properly, what should i do?
A: Read the Help pages. If that does not help, you can mail me.

Q: Can you add more photoframes/floaties/glitters to the site?
A: Yes i can, if you have some NICE! ones, you can send them to me.

Q: Can i send photos from my mobile to the site with sms?
A: Not at this time.

Q: How can i save my image to photobook/myspace/facebook etc...?
A: Download the image to your computer, login to your account at facebook, and upload your image.

Q: Do you have a girlfriend?
A: No, i am happily married.

Q: Can i use your editor for my site?
A: Maybe in an iframe or a frame, but i am not going to help you with it.

Q: Can you make me something for my site?
A: No, i don't have the time to make things for other people.

Q: My question is not answered, can i mail you?
A: Yes you can! However, don't expect an instant reply.

Q: Can i send you suggestions of what to add more to the site?
A: I am sure you can. Better would be if you develop something for me ;)

Q: I would like to help you in some way, what can i do for you?
A: You can translate (a part) of the site for me. If you are willing to do that, please send me a mail and you will get a translation file!

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